Lesson Plans: 3/22 to 3/29

Livestock Judging: Market Hog Evaluation


Market Hogs – 7 (WITH Officials)

Students will be working on the iCEV NCLCA Certification modules, the lesson plans described below are for the Livestock Judging: Market Hog Evaluation AND Market Hogs – 7 (WITH Officials) modules.

iCEV Login Link


To introduce the purpose of evaluation and the desired phenotypic traits of the ideal market hog.


The present-day ideal market hog has a maximum amount of muscle and a minimum amount of fat. To help student judges and hog producers reach toward the ideal, the presentation discusses market hog evaluation in four instructional sections: muscling, leanness, size and scale and structural soundness. A practice class of market hogs, discussion of official placing and cuts by a swine specialist, plus a set of collegiate oral reasons also is provided.


1. To identify and list the major factors considered in market hog evaluation.

2. To compare the modern type with the old-fashioned type market hog, recognizing at least three advantages of the modern hog for today’s consumer.

3. To evaluate and defend the placing of a market hog class.


Assignments will be posted on the Livestock Production Google Classroom, under the “Assignments” topic of the “Classwork” tab. Please pay attention to all due dates, which will be posted on the assignments along with the instructions for the assignment.